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About Amazing Business

What is Amazing Business? How does it work? Who is behind the company?

Put simply, we provide business coaching services to help you create an Amazing Business.

To create a meaningful and thriving business. One that is rewarding you, not draining you.

Kim and Andrew Baird

Kim and Andrew Baird are passionate about getting results for their clients

We help solopreneurs and small businesses (with less than 20 employees) to grow and streamline their business. Making more cash profits, having a greater impact, growing a better business, lowering the stress and struggle, while working less.

How are we different?

For starters, before we started coaching and teaching others how to improve their businesses, we did it in our own businesses first. We got real world experience in the business world and to be honest, it wasn’t pretty for much of it! We failed, we got back up, we got coached, we learned, we succeeded. We have had real world experience in multiple industries and have been in business now for over 22 years.

Next we test and refine, we’re constantly getting feedback from our clients and our partners about what’s working Right Now so that we keep up with the market place, because as we know the world is changing at an even more rapid pace all the time.

Finally the other big difference with us is that we’re not just another “Sales and Marketing” training shop – yes they’re very important to business BUT our first focus is on Strategy. If you don’t have a strategy around what you’re doing then you won’t make the best changes for your business first (or at all), so we focus on Strategy first. We also have a big focus on mindset or what we call Inner Game. Inner Game is everything that is going on in our internal worlds, that influence what outcomes happen in the external world. Having a strong and supportive Inner Game is crucial to a business success.

How We Can Help You…

Rev Up Your Marketing & Sales

Most business owners lack the skills to market and sell their products and services effectively.  We can show you how to get your marketing and sales sorted so that you are bringing in clients and cash flow on a consistent basis.

Add Leverage

Want to add leverage in your business so your income is not tied to the hours you work?  We help you create a solution that works for your specific business.  If you’re time poor and know you need a change we can help show you how to do it.

Fit All The Pieces Together

Don’t know how to make everything fit together and work?  Got so many ideas but don’t know how to implement them?  With a holistic approach we can help you get clarity, create a solid plan, and get your business thriving on all levels.

Inner Game Sorted

Just as important as the Outer Game and Strategies for your business, your internal world, mindset and inner game has a massive impact on the results you are getting in your business.  We work extensively on this area as well to stop procrastination, self-sabotage and to get you taking action and moving forwards.

Structure Your Business Right

What most business owners don’t know is that they have set up their business for hard work and struggle.  We can help get your business model sorted, show you how to best structure your offerings, get you clear on your numbers and future projections so that you are all set up for success.

Get Balance Back in Your Life

You shouldn’t be working yourself to the ground for your business.  Your business should be serving you (as well as your clients), and you should have the time and space to spend quality time with your family & friends, have hobbies that you love, and have downtime where you can chill out, recharge or doing what you love.


Kim Baird

Business Strategy, Digital Marketing & Inner Game Specialist

Kim Baird is a transformational business coach, inspirational speaker and award winning author. Kim has helped thousands of people to transform their businesses and lives for the better and has over 20 years experience in the business world. She has a passion for consciously creating an amazing life and loves helping others to do the same; helping them create the business and  life they truly desire.

Her skills at transforming others have come from vast training, and her own unique experiences in life. Faced with many challenges from being born with a disability, nearly having to declare bankruptcy on multiple occasions, and being diagnosed with serious health problems, she has discovered how to thrive in the face of adversity.

She is an accomplished author; her International Publishing Award winning book Gifts From the Darkness has received rave reviews and Kim has also co-authored numerous books on business, life and personal development including Conscious Business and Grounded In Gratitude. Kim is in high demand and is often featured in the media including digital, radio and TV.

Find out more about Kim Baird and how she can help you here

Image of Kim Baird - Business Coach and marketing specialist

Andrew Baird

Strategic Business Specialist

Andrew Baird is a Business Coach, International Speaker and Best Selling International Business Author who has been involved in businesses since 1998, taking him from his home in Auckland through Australia and the US, including Wall Street in New York where he worked with start-ups during the DotCom Boom and Bust of 2000.

Growing businesses from nothing to millions in turnover and creating many profitable exits he loves helping business owners transform what’s possible for them. From Baby Boomers getting ready to sell their business for the maximum price through to Gen Y’s struggling in their first business, Andrew loves getting stuck in and sharing what works from his personal experiences.

Investing in multiple start ups with his most successful now trading for over $500 million dollars he has a wealth of experience in starting small and growing businesses. He has bought and sold, partnered and used licensing to rapidly grow his start ups. An expert in online technologies his first three start ups were technology based companies.

Widely respected he has been featured locally and internationally on Radio, TV, Digital Media and many other media outlets from the National Business Review to Sky TV. With a wealth of knowledge in business and his advanced strategies he can transform virtually any business.

Andrew is a dedicated family man and uses the leverage he has created in his business to actively spend time with his family. Loving the outdoors he loves exploring the bush in New Zealand as well as rock climbing and scaling the heights.

Image of Andrew Baird Business Coach


Who can Amazing Business Help? Can You Help Me?

At Amazing Business we can help almost any small to medium business to make more cash profits in their business, while increasing the productivity of the business and thus letting you work less for the money that is coming in. Does this sound good to you? However, there is a catch. We are not promising a “magical button” here that you will press and then instantaneously everything will be a great success. To get the results that we suggest you will need to do some work, follow the advice and information we give you and take some action, but let me tell you, if you do that the outcome will be worth it.

If you are a person that is looking for that “magical button” solution then that is fine and we wish you all the best for finding it, but we are not the right people to help you. There are many other businesses out there that have the promise of the “magic button”, but from our personal experience these businesses over promise and under deliver massively. We are not like that. We do not make false claims and we strive to deliver exactly what we have said.



Who is behind Amazing Business?

Amazing Business is run by the dynamic husband and wife team – Andrew and Kim Baird. So who are we? We are two passionate people that believe that life is here to enjoy and experience. We started a web development company in 2002, and over the years we both fell in love with owning a business and creating life on our terms. We absolutely love being business owners and the freedom and choices that it gives us for our life. We live in beautiful New Zealand, and have two young kids. We love being parents and the amazing experiences that parenthood has brought with it. Watching them grow and learn is such an amazing journey.

Running our businesses gives us the freedom we want so that we get to both raise our children and watch them grow, and we are passionate about helping others achieve similar freedom to make the choices that they desire in their life. Is this something that you want?

We both love travelling – seeing new places and experiencing new things, definitely one of our passions in life that will continue for many years to come. Another passion is that we both also love adventure, outdoors and extreme sports – skydiving, rock climbing, skiing/snowboarding are just a few of our favourite things we’ve done. But it’s not all about business and fun for us, we also have a strong belief about giving back, and we support many charities every year to do this.


We totally get it!  It seems nearly every person and their dog are business or life coaches these days right!  The market is pretty crowded, with lots of over the top promises, and there are people in the industry that have given it a bad name so we understand your apprehension.

We have the credibility and experience behind us that means that we get results.  Together we (Andrew and Kim Baird) have over 30 years combined experience in the business world.

We have real world knowledge and experience; we don’t teach theory, we only teach what works in the real world.  That’s right we are out there testing and refining what works and what doesn’t all the time to make sure our clients have up to date information in the rapidly changing world of business.

With many many successes under our belt, but also failures as well, we have the experience to know what works and what doesn’t.

We have won awards and been featured extensively in the media, from digital and print to TV & Radio.  We have helped build many extremely successful businesses in numerous different industries.  On top of that we have been coaching businesses for over 8 years now which certainly makes us stand out in the industry!

But if you want more evidence, here are just a few results that we have got for some of our clients:

Helped a client make an additional $80,000 in revenue in one month with 1 simple yet effective strategy

Took a start up business from $0 turnover to over $10,000 within 1 month of starting out

Helped a client to finally take the first holiday she had in years and to top that off she came back to over $16,000 in sales that had happened while she was away

Added an additional $41,000 income stream to a business over a year with only 4 hours work

Helped generate a business 60 quality leads within 2 weeks.  Previously it would have taken 3-4 months for them to get that many quality leads for their business.

An additional $15,000 in income made after just 2 weeks of working with us

Helped a client to achieve their 3 month goals in just 1 week!