About Kim Baird
Transformational business coach, author and speaker

Kim Baird – Business Coach, mindset and marketing specialist
Kia ora! I’m Kim Baird. I am a transformational business coach with 22 years’ experience in business and also an award-winning author and inspirational speaker.
As a co-founder of ‘Amazing Business,’ along with my awesome husband Andrew, we have created this business from the ground up to help business owners and entrepreneurs prosper.
Here’s more about me…
I live in beautiful New Zealand and help small business owners from New Zealand, Australia and around the world.
During my 17 years of coaching small businesses, I have helped thousands of people to transform their lives and their businesses for the better. Creating real, lasting and sustainable results for my clients. I’ve had many amazing successes in my own businesses and also so many epic failures! This has given me valuable insights and experience as to what really works and what doesn’t in the real world of business.
My approach to growing a business
My approach is one that is very holistic and meaningful as I strongly believe there is no point in building a business that is working you into the ground. Your health and relationships shouldn’t suffer in order to build a thriving business. I am about making the business journey more simple because so often we overcomplicate our businesses. There are always so many opportunities and leverage points in a business that I have a keen eye to spot and utilise to help a business to thrive. Creating real and meaningful results in someone’s life and business is what lights me up doing this work.
I have a passion for consciously creating my life and business. I love helping others to do the same.
But business can definitely be hard!
There are so many balls to juggle, so many responsibilities that can feel overwhelming and it can be a lonely and tiring journey.
It often isn’t anything like we thought it would be when we set out to start a business!
Having clarity is paramount. So is having a plan to get the results that are important to you. Having the right skills to build and market your business effectively is essential and having the right support to navigate the mental rollercoaster that usually comes with owning a business is invaluable.
Where my skills have come from
My skills at transforming others have come from vast training, and my own unique experiences in life. Faced with many challenges from being born with a disability, nearly having to declare bankruptcy on multiple occasions, and being diagnosed with serious health conditions, I have discovered how to not only overcome adversity but to get through it and thrive!
One of my big passions is with what I call my ‘Inner Game’ work as this has created the biggest and most meaningful results in my own journey and for my clients.
Along with my expertise in coaching, I’m also an accomplished author. My award winning book, ‘Gifts From the Darkness’ won the Gowor International Publishing Author Award. I have also co-authored numerous books on business and personal development.
I love adventure and giving back!
An adventurer at heart, I love to push myself out of my comfort zone. At the tender age of 14, I did my first skydive (certainly wasn’t my last!) and fell in love with getting the adrenaline hit, going on to have many fun-filled adventures, including swimming with sharks… with no cage!
I am also a passionate philanthropist devoted to helping numerous charities and causes, which comes back to my passion and dedication to making this world a better place for all. I support numerous charities and non-profit organisations both financially and with volunteering my personal time and experience.
Ready to grow and streamline your business with Kim Baird?
Most of my clients need help in one or more of these areas:
- Get unstuck or beyond the plateau they have hit to move the business forward again
- Clarity on where to take the business and what the best actions are going forward
- Effective business strategies to fill the missing gaps, take advantage of opportunities and get the business thriving
- Marketing and sales skills to bring in new clients and customers to the business
- Inner game and mindset help to move through mental blocks and get results faster and easier
- Streamlining strategies to make the business simpler and more efficient
- A sounding board with a trusted advisor
If you are a solopreneur or small business owner and want support in any (or multiple) of those areas, then take a look at my business coaching services on our Work With Us page.