Finally! A 2 Day Business Event Focused on Achieving Real Results For You and Completely Transforming Your Business
Discover Powerful Strategies from 4 Leading Experts on how to Double,
Triple or even Quadruple Your Business Results
Let me ask you a few questions….
Do you want to take your business to the next level?
Are you sick of the struggle of growing your business and trying to achieve your goals?
Has your business completely plateaued and you just can’t seem to move it forward?
Even if you’ve searched for answers to these problems we both know that the experts are confusing and often contradicting in their advice. If this has left you more confused than empowered, take a deep breath and relax. We’re about to clear away the mystery and answer the question – why does achieving results feel like the most painful thing in the world as others seem to cruise by effortlessly?
I know by the fact that you are reading this that you want more. You want more success, more money, more happiness, more purpose and meaning in your life.
You are ready for a change, but you don’t know why you are not getting the results that you want.
Well that is actually a really simple question to answer, and I can answer that for you right now, but let me warn you first that it’s probably not the answer that you want.
You see, the reason that you are not getting the results that you truly desire, is not because you are not working hard enough, it’s often not even because you don’t know the ‘right’ strategies to make it happen, it’s not because you’re not smart enough, good looking enough or funny enough…. it is simply because of your MINDSET.
Your mindset is essentially your thoughts, values, beliefs and your habits, and these govern the results that continuously show up in your life.
SO if you are not getting the results that you want right now, then it is because of your mindset that the results are different from what you want.
Don’t worry I’ve been there – when I started in business I struggled, I realised that I didn’t know how to market, sell and to structure my business for profits. So I went out and studied HOW to market, sell and run a profitable business.
But nothing much changed…
Because even if you have the right strategies – even if you know exactly what to do – without the right mindset nothing will change. If you don’t have the right values, the right thoughts and the right habits – you won’t take the actions to make the strategies happen.
Your thoughts, habits and limiting beliefs are simply getting in your way right now…But there is great news, because you can change your mindset and change your results.
Now I know, you might be thinking. What!?! If I change my mindset then I can get the results that I truly desire?
YES! It seems pretty crazy, but trust me… I’ve been studying mindset for over 20 years now, and ALL of the times that I have achieved my goals and desires, it has been shifts in my mindset that have got me there.
And I know that the gap between where you are right now, and where you want to go is so massive that it just seems close to impossible that you will ever get there….and the more you push, and work hard, the more it seems like you are getting absolutely nowhere.
But now is the time for that to change…..
In September we are running a powerful event that is designed to completely transform your business, and get you the results that your heart is singing out for.
This is a full 2 days of training from some of Australasia’s leading mindset masters.
Your Speakers….
For the event we have brought together Four (4) World-Class Mindset Masters. You may not have heard of these experts because they mostly deal with small high paying groups and one-on-one premium clients. BUT all of them have got absolutely PHENOMENAL results in their own lives and for their clients.
Catherine Newton is an international award winning coach, entrepreneurial business expert, best-selling author, Law of Attraction practitioner, and master educator and trainer.
After working with thousands of entrepreneurs the world over, she has become known as ‘The Entrepreneurial Success Coach’.
Catherine is passionate about passing on her successes to others and teaching entrepreneurs, leaders and high achieving individuals to improve their vision and achieve success.
Although Catherine is based in NZ she is becoming a global superstar, speaking to large crowds in Australia and the States and even appearing on US television.
Jennie Brown is a speaker, writer, mentor and experienced real estate investor. She is an “Aussie” and lives in the “sunny” state of Queensland.
Jennie is highly sought after by the media and regularly writes for Australian magazines. She is an author in the Australian bestsellers “Property Millionaire”, “Millionaire Coach” and I have a signed copy of “The Success Code” – the cover features Jennie Brown with U.S. success expert Brian Tracy.
With a passion for helping people to achieve their goals and attain financial freedom, Jennie travels the world, speaking, mentoring and educating others about mindset, lifestyle, and real estate investing.
Nick Peall is a self confessed Internet nerd and serial entrepreneur, with a passion for helping business owners leverage the web. He believes the biggest thing keeping entrepreneurs from achieving success, is themselves. While people run around confusing activity for action, they are spending more time sabotaging their destiny by choosing not to face self limiting beliefs.
Nick’s purpose in life is to share knowledge with others based upon his own trials and tribulations. Because of the challenges and adversities overcome, he has a unique perspective that is based upon facts and reality, not merely hypothetical theory. He loves most to help entrepreneurs get breakthroughs in their mindset & business.
Andrew Baird is an inspiring international speaker and coach. Andrew is passionate about helping business owners to create massive results in their business.
For over 20 years he has been a student of what makes people successful and happy. However when he started in his first Business he found that he struggled and it almost went under. From then on he went researched and studied under multi-millionaires and billionaires how to create a business that makes great profits.
For Andrew the next step was to go out and help other business owners do what he had done. He now helps his clients to double, triple and even up to 10x the results in their businesses, all while helping them to keep balance in their life while working less.
In his youth John failed to succeed as a sportsman, never quite reaching International standard, but this failure led him to study Sports Psychology and become an international Sports Coach.
John went on to coach Olympians and World champions plus CEO’s and top sales people from numerous industries.
As a speaker he’s in high demand as a keynoter and workshop presenter all over the world. John has won the prestigious Speaker of the Year award from NSANZ and was awarded his CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) from NSAA. He’s also a best selling author and has now published two books.
Is this just going to be a Pitch Fest?
No way! The great thing about all 4 of the powerful speakers that are at this event is that they are focused on getting people RESULTS. They are not interested in just selling you more “stuff” that you won’t use and that will sit on your bookself and collect dust. They want YOU to get results. So each of the speakers will be packing in the value and giving your specific strategies to really transform your business and your life.
Each speaker will of course give you the opportunity to work further with them if you want, but that is up to you. The strategies that they show you will be complete so you can go out and implement them straight away…. in fact some of the strategies you will be doing right there at the event so you will be able to get results before you even leave!
I’ve also put up a challenge to ensure you get their best strategies:
You know what really ticks me off? It’s when you go to an event and the speakers hold all their really good tips and strategies back so that you need to buy their high end program to even get results.
That’s why at this event we are having a battle, a competition to see who most impresses the crowd with their results driven strategies. And the winner, as decided by the attendees will be named the ultimate Mindset Master!
Now every one of the speakers wants that title, and so you can guarantee they will be bringing their best. Their absolute top level strategies that only their high paying clients have had access to up until now.
It is going to be the ultimate battle between NZ and Australia! 2 of the speakers are from Australia and 2 are from NZ. So bring it on and let’s see who will come out on top.
PLUS! By attending this event
Not Only are You Helping Yourself, But You Are Also Making a Difference to Others…
We’ve really decided to up the game here. The 4 speakers are already very successful business owners and so we are giving away $2,500 from the proceeds of this event to the winning speakers favourite charity.
That means that by attending the event, not only do you get to get access to these 4 incredible speakers, but you also help those in need get what they need as well. What an awesome win-win opportunity!
We have packed the value into this event, and it is all focused on getting you results in the quickest and most effective way. We have brought together 4 of the leading mindset experts in NZ and Australia. Clients pay all of these experts thousands to work with them every month and they get results. We could easily charge $2,000 for this 2 day event with these 4 amazing speakers. BUT we want to keep the price low to make it accessible for any business owner that is ready and wants to really transform their results. So full price for the event is just $495.
However, we know that action takers get results, and so we are rewarding the action takers! Right now the price is only a very low $249, but as more tickets get sold the price goes up! So grab your ticket while it is still low…..the price could go up at any time!
PLUS! I’m so confident that you will benefit from this 2 day event that I am offering a 100% Money Back Guarantee
Absolutely No Risk to You!
We also have a money back guarantee – if you’re not happy at the end of the first day of the event, then simply come and tell one of our crew and we’ll refund the price of your ticket. So there is absolutely no risk to you.
Date: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th September 2013
Times: 8:30am till 6pm each day
Location: Alexandra Park Park, Greenlane, Auckland
Your low Investment: Full price is $495
BUT Right now you get the Super Early Bird price for just $249!
Plus we have a full money back guarantee! SO there is absolutely no risk to you.
Now lets be clear – We do not claim to create miracles, this is no get rich quick crap, and if you are looking for the “magic” button that suddenly makes your business booming as if by magic, then this is NOT the right event for you.
This event is going to be extremely powerful in showing you strategies that are proven to get results, but you will have to do work to implement what we show you to get the results we are talking about. Attending the event and taking no action will get you no results. We are all about creating a long term sustainable results for you and your business.
This Event is Only for Serious Business Owners
This 2 day event is loaded with powerful techniques for shifting your mindset to create a real transformation in your business.
If you have read this far you KNOW there’s something VERY transformational here for you.
If you are a Business Owner, Entrepreneur, consultant, sales person, or you are responsible for the growth of a business… then it is highly likely this cutting edge information is just what you need to give you an unfair economic advantage in the market place.
If you’re ready to benefit for this powerful information from these phenomenal speakers, then right now is the best time for you to take action, secure your place at the event and expand your business.

Got questions? Or still not sure if this event is right for you? We are happy to answer any questions that you have about the event. Simply chat with us on our online chat in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If we are away or offline, then just leave a message there and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you are on mobile, then you won’t have the option to chat online, but can always email us here