We are busy putting the final touches on the Business Mindset Masters event this weekend, and it is going to be amazing…but that’s not why I wanted to to write this post today.
You see there’s a lot more that goes into running events than you would think, and as I’m getting all the last minute stuff completed to make this an amazing event for every attendee, it got me thinking about the impact that attending events has had on my life and my business…..
I attended my very first business event 11 years ago now, and that one event quite literally changed my life forever.
You know in life you have those crucial moments? The ones where you make a decision and if you didn’t make that decision your life would have had a completely different outcome?
Well going to that event 11 years ago was one of those crucial moments in my life. A pivotal decision.
It didn’t all change immediately after the event, in fact, I didn’t take very much action at all after the event and so I got very little results from it … initially.
[Note: this was entirely my fault – the event was phenomenal, but no action = no results!]
It was a couple of years after the event before the full benefit of that event really turned up – but when I stepped up the results were amazing.
Since that first event I have attended hundreds of business and personal development events, both in New Zealand where I live and overseas and I can tell you that it has been instrumental in my business success.
I can put attending events to doubling my business many times over.
Not only can you get cutting edge information at events to help you grow and your business grow, but the connections that you can make at these events are outstanding.
In fact if I look at our upcoming event Business Mindset Masters… this has only been possible because of events. Let me explain….
I meet Jennie Brown (one of the speakers) about 6 years ago at an event in Australia. We’ve gone on to be part of a business mastermind group together, helping and mentoring each other.
Jennie has also been a client of mine, I have also spoken on her stage at a number of her events on the Gold Coast and now she is speaking here in NZ.
I meet Catherine Newton (one of the NZ speakers) at an event just a few years ago. We stayed in touch on Facebook. We’ve attended each other’s events and learnt so much from each other.
We’ve been involved in a networking group together and now she is part of Business Mindset Masters.
Naadia, our event co-ordinator I also meet at an event a few years ago and now we partner together all the time to help grow each others businesses.
A number of the attendees coming to the event I also met at events in the past and now they are clients and attending …. one in fact I only just met last week at an event!
I could go on about how attending business events has caused even more of this event to happen, but I will stop there as I’m sure you can see how powerful this can be.
I have countless stories of how the knowledge and the connections from attending events has completely transformed my business.
Events have massive power to transform not just your business but also your network and your life, and I strongly recommend attending events regularly.
Right I better get back to finishing off all the event prep!
If you do want to join us this weekend for Business Mindset Masters then now is your last chance.
Click here to grab your ticket now
The price is going up to full price today and ticket sales close tomorrow afternoon.
I’ve seen the outlines from all of the speakers about what they are sharing with the attendees and let me tell you, I AM VERY EXCITED!
They are going to be sharing their best strategies on making real shifts in mindset and business, and every one of them is fighting to win the very cool trophy and the title of Business Mindset Master 2013.
It’s getting very exciting with them trying to 1 up the other speakers and win.
Best of all $2,500 will be given the winning speakers favourite charity, which is really cool because not only do we help you when you attend, but we also get to help people in need that really need a helping hand.
I’m REALLY excited about this event and would love to have you there.
Click here to grab your ticket now
All the best with creating your own amazing business.
PS. Business Mindset Masters is this coming weekend, 14th & 15th September. I am flying 2 master mentors from Australia and we have 2 from NZ, and they will be battling for the title of Business Mindset Master 2013. Come and get their best strategies and vote for the winning speaker!
Click here to grab your ticket now