We get bombarded with the excitement and the fresh start frenzy around the new year period, but there is another side of this time that doesn’t get talked about that many people experience. The January Blues.
Yes, this time can be filled with lots of emotions, and not always the ones we expect. So I want to talk about the other side of this month that is very prominent.
We see our friends online and what feels like every other person on the planet, with their high vibes and excitement about the goals they are going to smash out this year. They’ve got the high vibe for 2025!
Plus, the mountain of ads about New Year, New You, promising that this year is going to be your best year yet… well if you buy off them of course!
It can leave us feeling a raft of emotions that don’t feel so good.
- You are not feeling motivated to set goals or make any plans for the year yet.
- Feelings of “not enough-ness” or the grand imposer syndrome are at the front of your mind, making you feel terrible.
- You are still tired and exhausted from the challenges of last year.
- Other responsibilities are taking up your time and energy so you can’t even think about making changes for a while yet.
- You know from past experience that nothing much changes, so why bother getting excited about the new year.
- The plans and goals you have made have already gotten off track and you feel like you have failed right at the start line.
- You are still on holiday or in a more chilled out mode and haven’t got into it yet.
- Or maybe you aren’t sure what is going on, but you sure don’t feel all happy and excited about the year ahead.
If you are feeling any of these, it is perfectly natural. And if you feel like you are the odd one out… you’re not.
This time of year can be really tricky on our emotions and our mental health.
There are so many high expectations that we put on ourselves, that others put on us, and the societal expectations that can be prominent in our minds.
All the “shoulds” that we should be doing.
Comparison syndrome is peaking, watching everyone else have their plans and life together… while we are feeling flat, overwhelmed or disconnected.
It can be a lot. It can feel like a lot.
So if this is you. Go easy on yourself. It is OK. Don’t make it mean things about yourself that aren’t true.
It doesn’t mean:
- Your year will be horrible.
- You won’t make any positive changes or achieve any meaningful goals.
- You are a loser or not good enough for greatness.
- You have failed already this year.
New Years is just a day. January is one month out of twelve.
Yes, we can feel great “fresh start” energy around this time, which is fantastic to launch new intentions and make changes in our lives and businesses.
We also often don’t feel great.
Remember that we can make goals and set new intentions at any time throughout the year. It can be a “fresh start” any day we decide to make it so. We can make decisions and take positive actions at any point we need or want to.
We are heading into the end of January. The year is not over, you haven’t missed the boat.
If you are feeling the January Blues, don’t beat yourself up or feel like you are the only one that hasn’t got it together. You are perfectly human. Go easy, you can make amazing things happen too and they don’t all need to be done today or this month.
Here’s to your meaningful success this year. You’ve got this.
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