Are you falling into the trap of being a “Yes” business owner?
Often it’s easy to fall into the trap of being a “Yes“ person and going with the flow. Saying Yes to every opportunity that pops in front of you – without questioning whether it is part of your Vision or Business Plan. Half way through one year I realised I’d been falling into exactly this trap, so what do you do about it?
One of my mentors calls these “Blowfly Opportunities”, meaning they’re in your face BUT you should shoo them away and not get caught up in them. Do you have a business plan? Something that keeps you on track and getting the results you want?
I highly recommend you take time out to look at your business plan and review your results for the last six months, looking at how much profit you’ve made and ask these questions:
- Is your Business moving towards being the money making vehicle you want it to be?
- Are you enjoying it and using it to create the life you want?
- Are you on a treadmill running with no end in sight, or are you creating exactly what you want?
Do you like what you see, or do you need to make some changes? Here’s some tips you can use to keep yourself on track and help design a business plan to create what you want:
- Keep a list of work you don’t want. Say no to this work, look at passing it to a friend or a referral partner – who either pays you for it or refers you work in return.
- Know exactly what you want to create. Write down exactly what you want to create: your business plan. Having it in your head is not enough (I fooled myself with this for a long time!!!).
- Have a Vision for your Business. This is not some waffly feel good “mission statement” that gets ignored by everyone. This is a vision for what you want your business to do. It needs to inspire you and everyone in your business. It should be short, clear and placed somewhere it is seen (ours is in giant letters across the wall of our office).
- Refer to Your Plan. Make sure you test and measure how you’re performing against your business plan. Don’t be frustrated if you find yourself off track, simply course correct and keep moving in the right direction.
All the best in using a business plan to create your amazing business!
Read more on creating a Business Plan or check out our upcoming Amazing Business Events.