Well 2011 is now well underway and the festive season is a distant memory. It is now time to look forward to the year ahead and take action to achieve the goals and vision that you are wanting out of your business this year.
One of the greatest and quite possibly most profound things that I have found with creating a booming business is the importance of being totally clear about what you want your business to be and where you want it to go in the future.
The more clear I get about my business, and in fact anything I do in my life, the more likely it is to become a reality.
I would highly recommend sitting down for a good few hours and getting really clear about how you see your business in the “perfect world”. What do you want your business to mean for you and provide for you, where do you see your business in 5 years and how do you want to be seen by your clients. You may be surprised at how little you have thought about such things.
By doing this exercise it is easy to stay on track and not let the little distractions that pop up through your day distract you from the big picture you have for your business. It is all too easy when you are just focusing on running the business to run around putting out the fires that arise and spend no time on building your business and developing it into what you want.