Underwater Hockey is one of the craziest sports you’ll ever not see – because it’s underwater! Two teams in masks, fins, snorkels and playing with a heavy lead puck on the bottom of a swimming pool.
In the early 1990’s I travelled by bus to Wellington to compete in the Schools National Champs, imagine a bus full of eager teenagers, weird music playing from boom boxes, and freezing cold photos on the side of the Desert Road.
We came back dejected and defeated, and the next year wasn’t any better.
In 1993 we journeyed down once more; it was our last chance to win Nationals with most of the team finishing up at College that year. Did we win?
You bet; we absolutely decimated the competition. Only 1 goal was scored against us in the whole tournament and the final score line was 104 to us, and only 1 to the opposition.
What had seemed impossible had become easy.
Well, winning in business is exactly the same, you are slogging your guts out, getting new clients is an absolute struggle and then one day (if you’re following the right principles) getting clients and making money becomes easy.
Here’s some of those principles to help you win in your business, enjoy!
1. Always learn from experience.
In the first year we played we weren’t really interested in winning, we wanted to have fun and play. Experience taught us that if you want to win you’ve got to be committed to it and work out what you need to do to get it.
In business you can keep getting bashed around and not learn the lesson of who to deal with, and who not to deal with. When it’s time to let go of a product, and when you just need better marketing or sales for the product.
2. Always have a coach
It was our coach Tony who showed us what counted in underwater hockey and what didn’t. What to pay attention to and what we could ignore. He pushed us to train hard and how to play together to win.
In business this might be a mastermind group, a great accountant or a business mentor. Someone external to your business that has an outside perspective and can let you know what you’re missing, what you’re not seeing because you’re caught up in the game.
3. There’s going to be knocks
There’s going to be battles you will lose, there will be times when things don’t go to plan. This is part of sport and business. You’ve got to have plans in place of what to do when this happens, how to handle it.
In UWH it was often training harder, having better strategies, or finding better players. And in business it’s the same, work harder at being a better business owner.
But how do we deal with knocks and setbacks in our lives? Often this is not something we’re well prepared to do. Make sure you have strategies to help you deal with challenging times in your business and life.
Deal with Challenging Times with Ease
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