After spending 2 days digging deep into the developments in Social Media at the Social Media Conference – Connect, Engage, Grow here in Auckland I thought I’d share 3 of my biggest insights from the conference:
#1 Change is Accelerating
Just when you thought that Facebook was the be all and end all you discover that new platforms are accelerating rapidly and changing the game.
Chat Apps are one of the fastest growing social media sites. Rather than something like Facebook where it’s about sharing or publishing these Apps are about connecting one on one (or in groups) with others.
Smart Insights Research shows that while Facebook still has the most users and is still first in Social Media, positions 2 through 4 are all occupied by chat apps (being WhatsApp, QQ and FB Messenger). In fact in the top 6 slots in Social Media four are occupied by Chat Apps and classically would not be considered social media sites.
#2 Commerce is Shifting
In China most commerce is not taking place on the web, it’s not happening on eCommerce sites, it’s happening in Apps.
WeChat allows users to discover new products, services and even restaurants by connecting with their friends – and to purchase from them and even pre-order food directly in the app. This allows everything to take place in a Chat App, with a seamless user experience (even sending money to friends via the App when splitting the bill!).
This allows retailers (even small ones) to have eCommerce capabilities at a low cost, and convenient for the consumer.
#3 It’s All About Connection and Experience
As consumers we are shifting from a big media and corporation environment to one where anyone who can connect and create an experience can reach hundreds, thousands, even millions. Just look at what the Laughing Chewbacca Mask Lady has created from her exploits.
This is shifting the power into the hands of anyone with an internet connection – and in fact just this week I’ve learnt of many people who have built a profitable online business just using their mobile phone and social media.
The revolution is here – are you taking advantage of it?