Webinars (online trainings) have been around for many years. They are nothing new, but in the new world that we live in today they can be a powerful marketing tool for your business.
With more businesses and people getting used to working remotely and doing more business online, now could be a fantastic time to add webinars to your marketing efforts if you are not already using them.
They are not for just a few select business industries either. People often think that webinars only are useful only for the education or coaching industries, but this simply isn’t true.
Webinars can be used in most industries from insurance and mortgage brokers, to consultants, to telecommunications, to tradies and website developers, to builders, to health professionals, to boat builders, to interior designers, to counsellors and healers, to tourism, to retail stores and those who sell products, just to name a few. They can be used for businesses who sell B2B (business to business) and those that sell B2C (business to consumer). Seriously, the businesses that can effectively use webinars to gain new clients is vast.
So can running webinars grow your specific business?
Here are some amazing benefits that running webinars can have:
1. Webinars are LEVERAGE
They are a 1-to-many platform that allows you to reach tens, hundreds or even thousands of people with just one training. If you are having a lot of one-on-one meetings or calls with potential clients then running webinars can bring your business massive leverage where you will be able to present and educate many people at once about your business, products or services. This can save you huge amounts of time, energy and money in the procurement process. Webinars can mean you are working smarter rather than harder.
2. Webinars are ENGAGING
Webinars are an amazing way to engage people, just like a LIVE event, people get excited about them and interact with you. Even video – in all it’s power – doesn’t compare to Webinars where you actually have interaction and real live ENERGY and Engagement. This engagement helps to build the momentum, it lets people ask useful questions, overcome their objections and gives you amazing insight into what people want to know. Plus when people are more engaged, they are more likely to buy off you.
3. Webinars BUILD TRUST
Your ideal clients can get to know, like and trust you faster with webinars. You share your expertise and they either resonate with you or they don’t. Which is exactly what you want. You want your ideal clients to gain trust in you. Because of this gained trust, among other things, webinars usually speed up the buying process with more decisive prospects.
4. Webinars build your INFLUENCE and IMPACT
Want to create a positive influence and impact in the world? Then webinars are a great way to do this. Webinars can demonstrate your experience, knowledge and expertise giving you influence over your audience. They are a fantastic platform to build a following with meaningful connections and they open the opportunity for partnerships and other routes to grow your business.
5. Webinars WORK
I know there’s a lot of people struggling to get GOOD traction online. Websites that aren’t converting, sales letters that don’t work. Webinars have provided AMAZING conversions for us, we’ve got as high as 50% of attendees coming on as clients. Which is massive when you consider most online sales conversions are considered remarkable if they’re over 5%.
Webinars have many other benefits but I’m sure that is plenty to demonstrate the power of them.
There are definitely some essential key components that you need to get right though when running webinars as you can spend a lot of wasted time and energy running ones that don’t work. So reach out if you want help in this area.
Have an amazing week and here’s to creating your own amazing business.
PS. If you want help to set up and run webinars to grow your business then Contact Us and let’s chat about what you want to create and how I can help you achieve that.