I’ve had this ongoing conflict within me for most of my 20 year business journey. It is the desire to grow my business, while simultaneously wanting to hide and for no one to see me. Not really the best combo for a business owner!
Maybe it is my introverted tendencies. Maybe it is my fear of judgement or rejection. Maybe it is my fear of success. I believe it is actually a mix of all of these and a few more things.
What I do know, is that over my 15 years of coaching small businesses to grow and succeed, I am certainly not alone in feeling like this.
There are so many business owners who want to grow their business but are also hiding in the shadows afraid to fully show themselves and their business. This internal conflict that I have experienced is actually very common but is rarely talked about.
It doesn’t mean that their business isn’t successful, it doesn’t mean they are not taking action. But this tendency to hide does mean that the business isn’t growing as much or as easily as it could.
There are a whole lot of business owners in this world who are dimming their light, holding back and not creating the impact that they truly want in the world.
Does this resonate for you?
There are normally 2 areas that need to be worked on in order to shift results when this is happening:
- #1 The person’s inner game (mindset, stories, beliefs, attitudes)
- #2 The person’s core business skills (marketing, sales, delivery)
- These are the 2 big areas that I work on with my clients because they lead to the biggest and most effective results.
I absolutely love helping business owners to shine, see their value and create the impact they want in the world.
Next week I am running a free business training on one of the core business skills – how to create effective marketing to get more clients.
This is all about how to communicate the value of your products and services in your marketing so that it speaks to your ideal clients and they move forward to become clients.
Marketing doesn’t have to be icky, pushy or hard to do. You don’t need to keep hiding yourself away from the world. Let me help you shine so your business grows to the next level and your products and services help more people.
Click here to register for the training