Watch the full video below
We’ve all heard and experienced the downwards spiral, where bad thing after bad thing happens to us. This is also when the momentum builds and it feels like it can be hopeless to move forward on creating anything good in our business.
We don’t however often hear about the upwards spiral, where good thing after good thing can happen. This can build amazing momentum for you to move forward on creating the business and life that you desire.
While we tend to get pulled into the downwards spiral on a regular basis, it is important to know that there are things we can do to shift our results and circumstances the other way.
Watch the video below to find out why it is that we focus so much on the downwards spiral and how to activate an upwards spiral.
Watch the video on YouTube here
You are powerful and can make a positive impact in your business and life. Yes, even when it feels like you have no control and the situations happening feel like they are against you. There are always things you can do to make things better. However, there are some important things you need to know to make this happen.
Here are some key takeaways from the video:
- Consciously stop and decide that you want to move into an upwards spiral
- Be responsible for your business and life
- Be aware of your past stories and beliefs that you are projecting into your future
- Set the intention for getting into an upwards spiral
- Take actions that are going to move you
- Appreciate and be grateful for the good things that are happening. No matter how small they are.
Life can make it hard to stay in an upwards spiral…
Being in an upwards spiral is awesome, and although we can’t necessarily be in one all of the time, you can experience them much more than you are probably experiencing them now.
Having the right business coach can help to get in an upwards spiral and also help to keep you there. The most common feedback I get from my clients is how much they appreciate me getting them clarity and focus on how to move forward and get back in the flow of their business.
Every business goes through its ups and downs. Having someone on your team that can keep you focused on what is important is invaluable. If you want help taking your business to the next level check out our Work With Us page and get in touch.