Are you feeling lost in your business at the moment? You are not alone! Many business owners often feel lost, not sure of which direction to go, or unsure if they are on the right track with where they are heading in their business. If this is you, then check out this video to find out what to do about it.
—– Video Transcript —–
Hey just taking the kids to school, just taking May here for a run.
I wanted to shoot a quick video today because it’s easy in your business to get lost in the bush, in the jungle where you can’t see the wood for the trees.
I’ve actually just run up a completely different path this morning, one that I completely didn’t know and didn’t recognize and it’s easy for that to happen in your business.
Easy for you to lose sight of, where do I need to be, what do I need to be focused on.
So I want to talk today about what you need to do about that.
So what you need to do, is you need to get up higher.
Need to get a view over your business, and one of the ways that we do this with our clients is we take them on a 4 day retreat.
Take them away, out of their comfort zone. Get them to work on their vision, their plan, where are they headed, why are headed there. Now the only downside with that retreat is that it’s over four and a half thousand dollars. So for most small business owners they’re like “Wow, that’s way outside of my reach, way outside of what I can invest in right now.”
We’ve taken a part of that system, the profits pyramid system, and put it into a 3 day live event that we’re running right here in Auckland.
>>> This event is no longer available
We’ve made tickets super affordable for a 3 day event and you’re gonna walk away after those 3 days fully trained in our system for business development.
It’s like a compass so that you can know where you are and where you’re going so you don’t end up lost in the bush. If you’d love to develop your business, if you know that you’re ready to work smarter and not harder I’d love to have you at the Profits Pyramid Live Event.
As I said it’s a 3 day event and you might go “Wow that’s a lot of time to invest in my business.”
Well, it’s a little bit like getting up this tree right….
Like I’m, I’m literally up a tree right now, and if we if we have a look down, it’s, it’s a long way down, to the ground.
It’s like that for your business, if you want to go somewhere different in your business, if you want to transform what’s possible, for you and your business,you’ve gotta invest some time and some money in making that happen.
Hey I’d love to see you at the Profits Pyramid Live Event, check it out and see if it’s for you:
>>> This event is no longer available
Hey all the best in building your amazing business.
–== Credits ===–
Thanks to Art Electro for music, Otto Knows Feat. Avicii – Back Where I Belong (Art Electro Remix):
Licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Thanks to May the dog for running fast, and to the beautiful trees for climbing fun!