In one of my client sessions last week, we were working on the copy for her 2 new websites that she is launching.
As we sat down and started the session, I knew it wasn’t just the website copy we had to talk about.
You see with all of my clients, before I go into a session or call with them, I ask “what do they need the most right now in order to create the results that they want?”
95% of the time an Inner Game block will be what comes back to me rather than a business or marketing strategy as the most important thing they need to get the results they want.
And that is what happened for this particular client. She was working on her 2 new websites, but underneath so much else was going on.
Fear, doubt and a monumental block that would have stopped her in her tracks no matter how good the website copy was.
So I opened up with her about it and we cleared it within the first 15 minutes of our time together. This was an Inner Game block that had limited her without her knowing for YEARS.
It was a very special and powerful moment to experience.
It wasn’t just superficial words that I said to her in order to clear it. We used my Inner Game tools to shift that block on a CELLULAR level.
After we cleared that for her, we got into the website copy and other business strategies for her and I stopped her about half way through the session and I said to her that she LOOKED like a different person.
She actually looked younger! Her energy had increased. The energetic weight she was unknowingly carrying had gone. She had a renewed passion running through her about what she was creating in the world and the impact she could have.
Without shifting her Inner Game, it wouln’t have mattered how good the website copy was, it wouldn’t have got her business to where she wants to take it.
It blows me away just how simple it can be to get people unstuck, get people achieving the goals that they want and creating the life they desire. Inner Game work is ALWAYS at the foundation of this and is so POWERFUL. 🌟
This isn’t an isolated story. So many of my clients have experienced phenomenal shifts from the Inner Game work I have done with them.
I’m so pumped up right now with all the amazing results that my clients have been getting lately, but honestly I have only been working with a small group of clients this year and I’m feeling a nudge to help more people right now with their Inner Game blocks to create some big SHIFTS.
So I have opened up some space in my calendar to do a small number (8 only – of which some have already gone) of deep dive one-on-one calls with me to focus solely on your Inner Game, where it needs shifting and to clear the blocks that need releasing.
I don’t normally do one-on-one calls like this unless people are in one of my ongoing programs, so this is pretty special.
The session will be done over the phone or on a zoom call. It will be a 60-90 minute call and I’m offering these at $197 for the session. Which is an amazing price.
So if you want a spot then comment below in our online chat box “YES PLEASE!” and let’s book in your time.
I’m so excited about this. I know there are so many people at the moment struggling with life and business or not happy with how their life is currently tracking and I would love to help put some spark back into it! ✨
Let’s get those blocks SHIFTED and RELEASED to help you live a life with way more ease and flow! 👊