Watch Kim on this #UpYourBrave livestream panel to discuss techniques and tips for Growing Your Business in Times of Change.
Here’s a bit of background info on the panelists:
Debra Chantry-Taylor
Debra is a business coach and mentor and is no stranger to adversity, perseverance & growing business in challenging times. Having started her community & events business in June 2017, she experienced a series of unexpected tragedies including losing her brother without any warning and nursing her mother through terminal cancer.
Deb forged on building the business while and while the original business model failed & in amongst all this she managed to pivot the business & turn it into a profitable events space which became known as one of the most original & exciting events spaces in Auckland, with businesses from around the world booking the space to do their product launches & business social events.
Unfortunately the event space ended up being a casualty of Covid-19 & is currently in hibernation however Debra used her learnings & experience to continue to grow her leadership coaching business. She now works with business owners & their leadership teams, using the Entrepreneurial Operating System, to help them build a better life through better business, even through challenging times. Throughout the lockdown Debra launched Business Support & Survival Volunteers – a free service matching experienced business professionals with businesses that needed help.
Kim Baird
Kim is an inspirational speaker, award winning author, transformational business coach and entrepreneur. Kim has helped thousands of people to transform their lives and their businesses for the better with her unique approach.
Kim has been in business for over 18 years and has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the real world of business. Over that time she has created many great successes for her own businesses and for her clients. She has also experienced many challenging times in business, including in 2006 during the GFC (Global Financial Crisis) where she found herself in $250,000 of bad debt with a new-born baby. She came through that time without going into bankruptcy and coming out the other side a stronger leader and entrepreneur. She knows how to get through challenges and difficult times and is excited to be sharing some of her tips with you on this panel.
Kim Baird on Facebook | Kim Baird on Instagram | Work with Kim
Jeff Ghaemagamy
Jeff is a guy who walks his talk; having built a business that has distributed approaching $200 million in products to over 30 countries. Whilst doing so, he has built a reputation as a trustworthy leader, his fun loving and sometimes cheeky personality instantly makes people feel comfortable.
Jeff is down to earth, yet driven, he has high expectations of himself and of those he works with. His is an inspirational story of a high school dropout who went from nillionaire to millionaire. Jeff has shared his story to live audiences of more than 100,000 people around the world. His training series, Proven Principles has been a massive success with more than 500,000 unique views. With a passion for helping people, Jeff works best with self-motivated people who have a burning desire to work for themselves to enjoy more time, money and ultimately freedom.
Natalie Cutler-Welsh
Natalie is your host, speaker, author, Impact Entrepreneur and mother of 3. Aka the Go to Girl and the Up Your Brave Mentor Nat helps people with confidence & visibility so they can Amplify their Impact, business & wellness. Founder of Go to Girl Ltd and the Amplify Membership and Diamond level doTerra Leader, Nat’s motto and recipe for success and happiness is: #UpyourBrave, say what they WANT & make it happen! You can watch previous episodes and learn more here: https://nataliecutlerwelsh.com/ With this livestream series we’re on a mission to massively raise the state of resilience, health & happiness on a global scale.