A lot business owners don’t want to admit it, but secretly they feel a whole lot of shame around being in business. Almost like it is dirty word if you are in business.
They feel shame when they have to promote their business or sell to people. Wanting to make money by building a business can bring up a whole lot of shame stories from within. Shame can also come up when they don’t have enough clients to sustain the business. Often they have a story that they are not good enough if they are not run off the ground busy with clients.
I get it. I’ve had so many of those thoughts myself when business hasn’t been booming.
It can turn into a nasty downward cycle where you don’t feel good enough because you aren’t full with clients, and because you don’t have enough clients you don’t feel good enough to market your business properly and get more!
I get it, because I fell into this nasty trap for many years as well.
I was in business, but was never really willing to talk about my business or the awesome services that I provided. Our first business was a web development company and while it was a very successful business, truthfully we didn’t grow it to what it could have been because of that very reason. I wasn’t willing to fully back myself because of the shame I had.
Andrew and I still have old clients tell us that we were the best website developers that they have ever found and even to this day, they haven’t been able to find anyone do their web work as well as we did. It is sad to think of how many more people I could have helped back then if I backed myself and my business.
The belief system around shame is often stemmed from the perception in society that business owners are rude, greedy, unethical and dodgy sods that will do anything to get sales and make more profit.
Now there is no doubt that there are some business owners like that out there, but there are WAY more genuine, caring, awesome business owners. Business owners that are driven from the heart to make a real difference. Be one of those business owners!
If you know Andrew and I, you will know that we do business from the heart. We deeply care about our clients and the community of amazing business owners that we have built. We genuinely want to make a difference to the lives of those that we come in contact with, and that is why we strive to help more and more business owners to create an amazing business and get them results.
Own your value. Let go of the shame that is stopping you.
Put yourself out there and let people know about your business.
Do you want to let go of that shame and start creating some amazing results in your business? It is time to stop blocking yourself and self-sabotaging the great results coming into your life? If you want to shift your business results then sign up to the transformational Awaken Your Inner Game Program