1) Serving Current Clients
No, not marketing, rather making sure that you’re serving current clients the best you can.
Serving current clients means you’re keeping them happy, which drives two things: Repeat Business & Referrals.
Repeat Business and Referrals are two of the most powerful drivers of business growth and profits.
2) Creating Sales ASAP
Getting new clients is crucial to business growth, not sometime in the future, but today or this week. You must have the ability to create sales week in and week out to grow your business.
It’s easy to fool ourselves into thinking the sales will come (and often they do if your product or service is good!) but you want to have a repeatable process that enables you to create sales.
3) Long Term Thinking
Whilst it’s key to make sales quickly, it’s also important to have long term thinking.
Some promotions take weeks or months to complete, if you want partners to promote that’s a long term game.
If you want to create a Product Launch or a Video Series to get leads and make sales it will take time to set up and execute.
Whilst it’s key to make sales ASAP it’s equally important to have a long term vision and plan for your business.
4) Profitable Business Model
This is crucial, if your business model (how you make money) is not profitable then growth will drive you backwards instead of forwards.
Although it’s #4 in this list, it’s actually fundamental to the whole process!
This might be making Front End Sales (your first initial sale to a client) or it might be using a Back End Sales model which is where you make money from keeping the client and making repeat sales.
Business Models are not discussed much at all in business development, but are crucial to your business results. If you would like to find out more about Business Models we are covering details on different types, and how to use them to grow your business and your profits more rapidly at our Profits Pyramid Event(TM). (NOTE: This event is no longer available)