#1 You are not doing ANY marketing!
Now let’s be real here, firstly are you actually doing any marketing? Be honest. Because a lot of business owners aren’t actually taking action and putting them self or their business out there. They are sitting by the phone waiting for the phone to ring or constantly checking their emails hoping to see if more sales have come in… and then whine non stop about how business is slow and they can’t get clients. BUT they are not actually taking action and doing marketing. Yes, you can absolutely have clients show up out of nowhere, especially if you already have build some mass and momentum in the market place, but let’s be honest, most of the time you need to be out there doing actual marketing to get clients.
#2 You are not doing ENOUGH marketing
In an overcrowded business market it takes a lot more than you may think to get new clients and the vast majority of businesses are not doing nearly enough marketing to get new clients for their business. Doing one post or even a few on social media isn’t going to cut it if you haven’t already spent the time and energy building relationships and the mass and momentum needed to bring in a flood of new clients. In order to get clients you need to be doing marketing EVERY single WEEK, and ideally, EVERY single DAY! That is what successful businesses are doing. They are regularly and consistently marketing their business. Even the big businesses that have built mass and momentum in the market and still marketing, because they get it… without marketing and sales activities in your business all the time, your business is likely to go backwards.
#3 Your marketing is about YOU and not THEM
I know that your products and services are great, I know that you are great, but if all your marketing is focused on you and telling everyone how great you are, then it isn’t actually going to be working very effectively. You see, when people are looking to buy, and even when they are not looking to buy, they want to know what is in it for THEM. That’s right, if they are going to hand over their well earned cash, then they need to know what benefit they are going to get from it. So flip your marketing around to focus on your potential client. What pain and struggles are they going through right now that you can actually help them to solve? What are they seeking, wanting, desiring that you can provide? What benefits are your products and services actually going to give them when they buy off you. As humans we generally buy because of emotional reasons, and then back up our purchasing decision with logic. So although the features of your products and services are important, it is more important to have those emotions in your marketing so that you are not only attract the right people in as clients, but also you are talking directly to their specific pains/struggles/dreams/desires.
#4 You are focusing in the wrong area
With all our great intentions we as business owners can take action, we can do the work, and we can still get no result. So what is going wrong? Well usually it is because we are focusing our efforts somewhere that is not going to get us a great result in the first place! Let me give you an example here: it might be that you are focusing all your efforts on marketing your website and getting more traffic to your site. You would think that would lead to more clients right? Well it should, but if your website is not effectively converting visitors into qualified leads and clients then driving more traffic to your site is the wrong focus for you right now. Here’s another example, you might be doing content marketing but you don’t have a strategy in place that leads your followers and readers of your content and turns them into clients. So if you are then focusing your efforts on creating more content then your marketing is not going to work because you are focusing on the wrong thing. Start focusing on the right thing that is going to get you the results that you deserve.
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